Please note that we no longer offer Retail Sales.

Our nursery is a wholesale operation serving municipalities, landscapers, developers, and others in the building and landscaping trades.

Download  Planting Instructions.

We sell plants that we grow in our fields around the Pioneer Valley.  In March and April, we are very busy harvesting finished nursery stock and planting new seedlings for the future.  Amherst Nurseries is committed to producing plants that are high quality and environmentally friendly.  This means tolerating more pest activity in exchange for reducing pesticide sprays as much as possible, buying locally grown plants to reduce freight, and adopting soil conservation methods, such as growing plants in Root Pruning Bags to reduce the amount of soil that is harvested with our trees and shrubs.  

View pictures of our trees and varieties that we grow.

We participated with UMass and UNH in a three year project to investigate alternative tree production methods in an effort to conserve soil.  See a video of our research project.  We hope that this research helps us to remove less field soil when we harvest our nursery stock, thereby keeping our farm viable for future generations!
